Once you are logged into the website, you can access all areas of your account by clicking on your username in the menu area or by using this direct link.
Once you are logged into the website, you can change your password by using this link.
If you are logged out of the website, you can change your password by clicking the ‘Reset Password’ link on the login page
Subscriptions can be upgraded or downgraded at any time by going to the Subscriptions tab under your account page and clicking the ‘Switch Plan’ button.
Subscriptions can be canceled at any time by going to the Subscriptions tab under your account page and clicking the ‘Cancel’ button.
Great question! We encourage you to check out the How It Works page for more information.
Yes, and please do! To get started, please send us an email.
Absolutely! We are always working to form partnerships, with a primary focus on bringing more value to our community.
Vendors interested in being a partner can send us an email to get the conversation started.
Users that are logged into the website, can leave reviews on Listing pages to help others make better-informed decisions.
As part of the reviews, users can upload images, give star-based ratings on individual areas of experience, as well as give an overall star-based rating.
Listings are tied to a subscription, so as long as the associated Listing Subscription is active, the Listings tied to that subscription will be as well.
Search Prominence
Premium-level Listings appear above all Basic and Standard-level Listings in search.
Promoted Listings are the only Listings that are given more prominence in search, above Premium-level Listings.
Listing Prominence
Premium-level Listings appear on our Home page, and other high-traffic pages, for a time, giving them greater exposure.
Premium-level Listings will hold their spot on the high-traffic pages, for as long as it takes for new, Premium-level Listings or Promoted Listings to push them out.
In order to hold onto your Search and Listing Prominence longer or to help guarantee both, we recommend promoting your Listings.
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